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Publicatie bijlages 1
Life satisfaction
Publicatie bijlages
Occupation and Happiness in the Netherlands
What kinds op people are happiest in what occupations?
Appendix A
Life satisfaction: How happy are people in different paid occupations?
Appendix B
Life Satisfaction: Is there a difference in happiness between men and women in different paid occupations?
Appendix C
Life Satisfaction: Is there a difference in happiness in different paid occupations between high-educated people and low-educated people?
Appendix D
Life Satisfaction: Is there a difference in happiness in different paid occupations in different ages?
Appendix E
Life Satisfaction: Is there a difference in happiness in different paid occupations for people with or without children?
Appendix F
Life satisfaction: Different happiness levels in different paid occupations based on combined personal characteristics
Appendix G
Tables top 10 and bottom 10